Historica Canada has launched a Residential School Awareness campaign which highlights experiences of Survivors, along with perspectives of researchers such as the Centre’s Tricia Logan. The campaign includes a podcast series “Residential Schools,” a three-part video series, an education guide, and new entries on The Canadian Encyclopedia.
Dr. Tricia Logan, the Centre’s Head of Research and Engagement, spoke on Métis experiences for the podcast series. The three-part series is hosted by Cree and Gitsxan journalist Shaneen Robinson-Desjarlais and comprised of Survivor testimonies and interviews with academics.
Each episode of the podcast focuses on the experience of a different Indigenous community’s experiences at residential school.
Residential Schools Episode 1: First Nations Experiences
The first episode features testimonies from Survivors Riley Burns and Ed Bitternose of their experiences at Gordon’s Indian Residential School in Punnichy, Saskatchewan, and an interview with Dr. Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair, an assistant professor at the University of Manitoba and columnist at the Winnipeg Free Press.
Residential Schools Episode 2: Metis Experiences
The second episode includes testimonies provided by the Legacy of Hope Foundation from Survivors Linda Blomme, Louis Bellrose and Larry Langille. An interview with Dr. Tricia Logan who provides both a historical and personal perspective on the legacy of residential schools in Canada.
Residential Schools Episode 3: Inuit Experiences
The third episode will be released on March 17 and will present testimonies provided by the Legacy of Hope Foundation from Survivors Piita Irniq and Abraham Anghik Ruben. Dr. Crystal Gail Fraser, a Dinjii Zhuh historian, speaks on the effects of residential schools in the North.
The “Residential Schools” podcast is available to listen to on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, The Canadian Encyclopedia, or wherever you get your podcasts.
All materials related to the Residential Schools Awareness campaign
- Residential Schools education guide
- Encyclopedia article on Residential Schools
- Podcast series